Label Printer
Card Printer
Barcode Scanner
Bill Printer
PVC Cards
Designer software
ID Card Holders
Fixed Readers
Handheld Readers
RFID Printers
Tags and Labels
RFID Antennas
Ferrule Printer
Ferrule Tubes
EAS Antennas
Hard Tags
Soft Labels
Card Printer Supplies
Barcode Labels
Thermal Ribbons
Mobile Computers
Mini Computers
Pos Systems
RFID Bracelets
Dot Matrix Printer
Pass Book Printer
Label Applicators and Rewinders
Disc Publisher, Disc Autoprinters and Duplicators
Trio Printer
Healthcare and Laboratory Printer
Health Care Supplies
Hospital Supplies
Stock Lot
Desktop Printers
Mini computers in
A minicomputer, or colloquially mini, is a class of smaller computers that was developed in the mid-1960s.In a 1970 survey, the New York Times suggested a consensus definition of a minicomputer as a machine costing less than US$25,000, with an input-output device such as a teleprinter and at least four thousand words of memory, that is capable of running programs in a higher level language.
A minicomputer is a type of computer that possesses most of the features and capabilities of a large computer but is smaller in physical size. Aminicomputer fills the space between the mainframe and microcomputer, and is smaller than the former but larger than the latter.