Asset Sticker in Surendranagar

Temper proof security Asset sticker on vulnerable or sensitive equipment and inventory. You can tell if they've been tampered with or if someone has “appropriated” your asset.

  • Our asset labels are great quality, great value, easy to apply and come in a range of customisable styles. We’ve had years of experience in printing every one of our sticky label types, so we know exactly how to deliver the product you’re after. And speaking of delivery, ours is always as quick as possible – often in between 1 and 3 working days.

  • Healthcare icon Asset Sticker can be used in Health care Industry
    Retails icon Asset Sticker can be used on Retail Stores
    Logistics icon Asset Sticker Mostly used in Logistics Industry for Asset Managemnet and Tracking
    Manufacturing icon Manufacturing Industry uses Asset Sticker
    Government icon Asset Sticker used in various Government Sectors
    Travel & Leisure icon Asset Sticker for Travel & Leisure
    Special Materials icon Asset Sticker for Special Materials

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